Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Life is a collection of different phases. One ends and another begins. Some are pleasant, others are not. In some, you meet new people, interact with them and soon develop a strong attachment. While in others, you drift apart from your close ones and who were once a part of you.

Just like every story has an ending, similarly this blog of mine too has reached its end. ‘STEPS’ has lived its life, served its purpose and delivered what it was intended to do. Now it stands with its back towards me, all bags packed and ready to go. I didn’t ask why, just blinked my eyes to say goodbye.

 This blog started as a random thought that occurred to me one day. I decided to give it a shot, not sure whether I’ll be able to pull it off. But within days I was writing furiously, jotting down every thought of mine. It gives me immense pleasure to write something creative.

With this blog I have shared some moments that have touched me, some lessons that meant a lot to me and some questions that provoked thought but couldn't find the answers. I will miss this dear friend of mine who made me think each day in a different way and has kept me awake late in the night trying to get that ending right.

As the last day of the college ends, this blog takes its last breath. Soon a new phase will begin. A different scenario will be opened up with new things to learn. I’ll proceed with whatever I have learnt during the 4 years of college life.

One day I made a pledge,
to live life on the edge.

I won't escape the excruciation,
even if it led to my double differentiation.

I know that there would be mistakes, 
but they’ll only raise my knowledge stakes.

I’ll give the odds a good fight and in the end,
I’ll have my bite and would break the fast late in the night...

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